Steam Dependencies

Steam is a 32-bit application which allows users to run Steam on 32-bit hardware, with a few downsides according to a few users, although not a lot of word is out there as most users who do use Steam are on a 64-bit computer. Thus, users will need the ability to run 32-bit software. Read up on Multilib and see if that's you. If so, you must also follow the 32-bit/lib32 instructions of each dependency listed unless the section doesn't have those instructions or were told it is not needed.


alsa-plugins-1.2.12, cURL-8.9.1, dbus-1.14.10, Display server (Xorg-Server-21.1.13 or Wayland-1.23.1 w/ Xwayland-24.1.2), libglvnd-1.7.0 (32-bit is required for multilib), make-ca-1.14, Mesa-24.2.2 w/ the -Dglvnd=enabled option (32-bit mesa is not required for multilib IF you are using NVIDIA-560.35.03), and What Now?

Recommended (Ordered By Importantance)

Vulkan-Loader-1.3.295 (required for most games), PulseAudio-17.0, Xdg-user-dirs-0.18, Zenity, lsof, and libgpg-error-1.50


/etc/lsb-release (for Steam surveys)