
Introduction to MinGW-w64-binutils

MinGW-w64-binutils is a collection of software that can change the state of Windows binaries or make them executable. These binutils are specific to MinGW-w64, and using regular binutils will not work for the proceeding packages.



Development versions of GLFS may not build or run some packages properly if LFS or dependencies have been updated since the most recent stable versions of the books.

MinGW-w64-binutils Dependencies


Binary MinGW-w64

Installation of MinGW-w64-binutils

First make sure libiberty does not get installed:

sed -i 's/install_to_$(INSTALL_DEST) //' libiberty/Makefile.in

Now you may proceed.

x86_64 MinGW-w64-binutils

Install x86_64 MinGW-w64-binutils by running the following commands:

mkdir build-x86_64 &&
cd build-x86_64

../configure --prefix=/usr                                \
             --target=x86_64-w64-mingw32                  \
             --infodir=/usr/share/info/x86_64-w64-mingw32 \
             --enable-lto                                 \
             --enable-plugins                             \
             --enable-deterministic-archives              \
             --disable-multilib                           \
             --disable-nls                                \


Now, as the root user:

make install
rm -v /usr/lib/bfd-plugins/libdep.so

i686 MinGW-w64-binutils

Install i686 MinGW-w64-binutils by running the following commands:

mkdir build-i686 &&
cd build-i686

../configure --prefix=/usr                                \
             --target=i686-w64-mingw32                    \
             --infodir=/usr/share/info/i686-w64-mingw32   \
             --enable-lto                                 \
             --enable-plugins                             \
             --enable-deterministic-archives              \
             --disable-multilib                           \
             --disable-nls                                \


Now, as the root user:

make install
rm -v /usr/lib/bfd-plugins/libdep.so

Command Explanations

--enable-lto: This option builds lto support.

--enable-plugins: This option enables plugin support for the linker.

--enable-deterministic-archives: This option enables building determinable archives by hardcoding filemodes, timestamps, and file owners into the archive.

--disable-multilib: This option disables multilib support in each architecture. It is not needed and doing a Wine WoW64 build just uses the binaries from each architecture. Do not set --enable-multilib for any MinGW-w64 package or else problems will occur.

--disable-nls: This option disables nls support, disabling output diagnostics in languages other than American English. Omit --disable-nls and invoke --enable-nls to enable nls support.

--disable-werror: This option makes it so warnings won't be considered errors.

--target=*: This option builds files for the architecture passed to it.

rm -v /usr/lib/bfd-plugins/libdep.so: This command removes an unnecessary library.


Installed Programs: {i686,x86_64}-w64-mingw32-addr2line, {i686,x86_64}-w64-mingw32-c++filt, {i686,x86_64}-w64-mingw32-dllwrap, {i686,x86_64}-w64-mingw32-elfedit, {i686,x86_64}-w64-mingw32-gprof, {i686,x86_64}-w64-mingw32-size, {i686,x86_64}-w64-mingw32-strings, {i686,x86_64}-w64-mingw32-windmc, {i686,x86_64}-w64-mingw32-windres, ar, as, dlltool, ld, ld.bfd, nm, objcopy, ranlib, readelf, and strip (MinGW-w64 specific binaries besides formatting include: {i686,x86_64}-w64-mingw32-dllwrap, {i686,x86_64}-w64-mingw32-windmc, {i686,x86_64}-w64-mingw32-windres, and dlltool)
Installed Libraries: None
Installed Directories: /usr/{i686,x86_64}-w64-mingw32/bin, /usr/{i686,x86_64}-w64-mingw32/lib/ldscripts, and /usr/share/info/{i686,x86_64}-w64-mingw32

Only binutils specific to MinGW-w64 will be explained. For the rest, see binutils-2.42.

Short Descriptions


ancient tool for generating PE style DLLs


generates Windows message resources


manipulates Windows resources


creates files neededto build and use DLLs